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Is it Really Possible for Our Steps to be Ordered?

by Dori Phillips

Scripture says in Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord.” As Christ followers, we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (2 Cor. 5:21). So does that mean our steps are ordered? Wouldn’t that make us walking puppets? I had wondered on many occasions how it was possible […]

His Joy, Our Strength

by Dori Phillips

It’s the beginning of another year and most of us have a list of resolutions that we fully intend to keep. This is an honorable desire. I would like to recommend adding one to your list – allow the Lord’s joy to become your strength. How does this work? By living in God’s rest. As […]

True Worship – The Reason for the Season

by Dori Phillips

Christmas is several days away and at this point we are in one of two situations: relaxed and ready, or in total panic and not enjoying the season at all.  I’ve found myself in the latter category more times than I care to admit.  I know that shopping and Santa can be great fun, but […]

Hope for the Holidays

by Dori Phillips

As we enter this holiday season, I consider how much I love this time of year – the excitement of multiple parties with family and friends, shopping, giving and receiving gifts, the weather (fall and winter are always pretty nice and mild in Houston), and the change of a new year right around the corner. […]

Dori Phillips: My Testimony of Overcoming

by Dori Phillips

Jesus used storytelling all through the gospels to help us understand Biblical principles. That’s why the Bible says “They overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony” (Rev. 12:11) – because we all have a story to tell. My story and the foundation of my ministry began in […]